The whitebait is a fish of the Gobiidae family (Aphia minuta R.), of very small dimensions in adult state (2 - 4 cm), and highly appreciated commercially. Most of what is eaten as whitebait actually comprises different larval, fingerling or juvenile stages of other species of marine fish such as sardines, anchovies, triglas, mujol, etc. However, the consumption of immatures of these “alternative” species is currently not allowed. Consequently, other fish species, most imported, whose individuals are small, or fingerlings of larger species have entered the market, but in general, the characteristics of these imported species do not satisfy the requirements of the majority of the consumers.
Thus, the object of this invention is to obtain a species of fish (Gambusia sp.) That constitutes an alternative to the rearing and / or consumption of the whitebait, and that on the other hand, contributes to reducing the consumption of immature ones. This new product is obtained through fish farming and is characterized by being a food product with the characteristics of the species to which it is alternative, the whitebait, being very easy to cultivate in those facilities dedicated to aquaculture.
Among the advantages of this new product, the following stand out:
• There are no known references to cultures of other similar fish species that may constitute alternatives to the consumption of whitebait or immature fish of other species.
• Provides a product whose protein and lipid composition, as well as its content of omega 3 and omega 6 type fatty acids is similar to that of whitebait.
• Its external appearance and texture, color, smell and taste are similar to the white shark.
• It is free of parasites, which is why it is suitable for human consumption.
• The particular cultivation conditions enable the industrial production of this product, since this species has 3 to 5 annual reproductive cycles.
• In the absence of similar products, the market share that could be achieved would be significant.
Uses and Applications
The present invention has its application in the field of aquaculture and fish farming to carry out the necessary adaptations that allow reproduction and rearing, in optimal conditions for the achievement of an alternative to the cultivation of the whitebait from a species of fish called freshwater (Gambusia sp.)
Patent Number
Filing Date
Protection Level: National (Spain)
Processing Status: Spanish patent