In summary, to obtain the honey, the honeycombs must be extracted from the honey rises (or production chambers), then transported to the warehouse where they are uncapped and centrifuged, and then transported to the hives to be placed back inside the rises. This process is quite laborious and requires both time and money from the beekeepers, on the other hand, the design of the hives and in particular of the honey supers, continues for the most part to neglect the life of the bees. With this new increase, honey is obtained instantly. With a single movement of the arms, the comb separation system is activated, allowing the honey to flow between the mobile and fixed combs, towards a base. From the base it flows to the honey collector and finally to the container. In addition to allowing the obtaining of honey in a simpler way, this new system prevents the bees from being crushed inside.
This invention has the following advantages: - You get honey instantly. - No need to use a smoker or tweezers as you do not have to remove the combs manually. - It is compatible with the Langstroth hive, one of the most used worldwide. - Bees are not crushed, saving many lives. - You can see the inner workings of the system and the bees thanks to a window. - Use ecological materials. - It saves time, and in the long run also money, for the beekeeper.
Uses and Applications
The present invention is part of the beekeeping sector, more particularly in the field of beehives and especially of honey extraction systems and reproduction chambers.
Patent Number
ES1294281U Expediente
Universidad De Málaga
Jesus Javier Jimenez Galea, Camille Marie Vanhoren
Filing Date
Protection Level: National (Spain)
Processing Status: Spanish utility model