


It is known to install light indicators on the door of electrical panels to provide information visible from the outside. These indicator lights basically comprise a light source, normally an LED, a body designed to be fixed to the door of the electrical panel, and a wired electrical connection that transmits the signal representative of the element about whose status the indicator light in question informs. In any case, the fixing mechanisms currently used cannot always adapt to all existing sheet metal thicknesses of electrical panels. Furthermore, the very configuration of the body in the indicator lights used today causes them to protrude from the rear face of the electrical panel door for a distance that can sometimes be excessive. The indicator light of the invention has a base with a light source and a mechanism for coupling to the door of the electrical panel that can be easily adapted to different door thicknesses. In addition, it has a rotating body that can be positioned in the most suitable position depending on the space available inside the cabinet.



The new design gives rise to a much more versatile indicator light than conventional indicators, incorporating a series of improvements such as space savings and improvement of the fastening and installation systems. The main advantages can be summarized as: Quick and easy connection, safe handling, reduction in volume of the mechanism, saving time for installation and / or replacement. Its format is compact and provides more degrees of freedom regarding movement, optimization and space predisposition.


Uses and Applications

Application sector in industrial environments for signaling with the use of indicator lights. Specifically, the installation of indicator lights on the door of the electrical panels is very useful to provide information that is visible from the outside.











Patent Number

ES2913668A1  Expediente



Universidad De Málaga



Juan Bernabe Garcia Gonzalez, Rafael Molina Maldonado, Francisco Muñoz Gutierrez, Alejandro Rodriguez Gomez


Filing Date


Protection Level: National (Spain)

Processing Status: Spanish patent

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