


Premature babies, especially those of very low weight (those weighing less than 1500 g at birth), have a high degree of mortality and morbidity, in many cases associated with manipulations that occur in the first days and especially in the first minutes of life. The present invention refers to a platform for a premature neonate that is designed so that the premature neonate has a feeling of well-being and similarity with the mother''s womb and attenuates the feeling of discomfort that accompanies each of the manipulations that are performed. perform, especially in the first hours/days of life. This device is applicable to all incubator models and compatible with all the necessary maneuvers that a neonate requires.



The advantages of the new platform for neonates are the following. • With the use of this product, the manipulations suffered by the baby in its first hours of life would be minimized while at the same time it would be provided with a more comfortable position. • It is a light and easy to transport product, with materials that allow x-rays to be taken and a shape that allows all the necessary maneuvers to be carried out and it can be easily washed after each use. Its mattress has a waterproof and flexible material that adapts to the shape and size of the baby at all times. • It has a simple design that allows it to adapt to the different sizes that the premature baby may have and that provides a complete way to collect it from all its parts.


Uses and Applications

The application of the invention corresponds to the field of platforms for use in the first days of life of a premature baby. The main application of the platform is to minimize the manipulations suffered by the baby during this period while providing a more comfortable position.












Universidad De Málaga



Carmen Sánchez Robles, Oscar David De Cozar Macias, Tomas Sanchez Tamayo, Francisca Jose Castillo Rueda, Manuel Damian Marin Granados


Filing Date


Protection Level: National (Spain)

Processing Status: Spanish protection application

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