


Access control systems to venues such as buildings, spaces or land, hotels, companies and official headquarters are increasingly widespread. In said known access control systems, encrypted media are made available to users in which a secret entry or identification code is stored. The drawbacks of these known systems consist in that a personal encrypted medium must be delivered and assigned to the user, the assignment implying a security risk and that the administration of the access rights of the users and / or the assignment of the code is always linked to a central control. Therefore, in these systems it is not possible to administer the user's access rights at certain points of passage, managing them from several independent control centers. The proposed invention is a system and associated procedure for controlling access to a room, which is put into operation when a user wants to access a space. Said access control system offers an optimization in the management of access to multiple dependencies or enclosures by different users, without limit of the same and without the use of any type of self-identifying device that makes it possible. Nor does it require distributed controllers to manage accesses or specific cabling to enable it.



Unlike known solutions in which the user receives a signal, or graphic symbol, on his mobile device, the invention has the advantage that it is the user who with his mobile device scans the signal, or graphic symbol, preferably a code QR, linked to the space to be accessed. Likewise, it offers the advantage of being automated, preferably using as a communication tool, the user's mobile phone and the enclosure's wireless communication network as a means of transmission. It is not necessary to store information for the process on the user's device and it can be changed in real time. On the other hand, the mobile device includes means of biometric identification, such as, in a non-limiting way, the fingerprint, or the facial features, in order to better identify the user of said mobile device, avoiding situations of impersonation.


Uses and Applications

New system linked to the ICT area applied to the security sector. This system is positioned as a potential effective mechanism for access control, by having a supervised management system, which allows streamlining and monitoring the circulation of users in its facilities (employees and / or visitors, vehicles, etc.), without compromise security on the premises.











Patent Number

ES2809048A1  Expediente



Universidad De Málaga



Francisco Guzman Navarro, Victoriano Giralt García, Salvador Merino Cordoba, Javier Martinez Del Castillo, Rafael Guzman Sepulveda, Manuel Baleriola Moguel


Filing Date


Protection Level: Worldwide (PCT countries)

Processing Status: Wordwide (PCT countries) protection application

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